Conjugaison du verbe strike while the iron is hot [v.]
-strike while the iron is hot
Istrike while the iron is hot
youstrike while the iron is hot
hestrikes while the iron is hot
westrike while the iron is hot
youstrike while the iron is hot
theystrike while the iron is hot
Istruck while the iron is hot
youstruck while the iron is hot
hestruck while the iron is hot
westruck while the iron is hot
youstruck while the iron is hot
theystruck while the iron is hot
Iwillstrike while the iron is hot
youwillstrike while the iron is hot
hewillstrike while the iron is hot
wewillstrike while the iron is hot
youwillstrike while the iron is hot
theywillstrike while the iron is hot
Ihavestriken ou struck while the iron is hot
youhavestriken ou struck while the iron is hot
hehasstriken ou struck while the iron is hot
wehavestriken ou struck while the iron is hot
youhavestriken ou struck while the iron is hot
theyhavestriken ou struck while the iron is hot
-striking while the iron is hot
-striken ou struck while the iron is hot
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
strike back strike dumb strike a chord strike off strike home strike down strike hard strike at the wrong time strike up a friendship with strike terror into strike fear into strike into strike out strike up a friendship strike a bad patch strike a blow strike while the iron is hot strike coins strike a note strike against ... (21 mots)